Thursday, July 18, 2013

Family Violence.

(This post is still a work in progress, it's just something about Family Violence, which is too close to home for me)

Family: any group of persons closely related by blood, as parents, children, uncles, aunts, and cousins whether dwelling together or not
Violence: Behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something or Strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force.

Family Violence is a crime. Family Violence is a crime that goes silently through the walls of victims homes. Family members against other family members using physical force to show their emotions, whether intended for good or bad reasons, it is never a good answer, no matter what the provocation. Family Violence leaves a deafening silence in the air, one wrong word and everything could burst into flames, what you thought you were saying could blow up into smoke. Has the fist got your tongue? Some people's words are their holes in the walls, the bruises on her face, the cut on his lip, the lowered self esteem of them, the unworthiness of eachother.

CollinsDictionarySaysBye! x

I will try write more posts, Less words!

I am very opinionated and observant, but when I know it is not my place to say something, I do not say it. I think a lot too, Over think a lot of things which doesn't make me very happy.

I have been watching my brothers national basketball team play these last 2 days, the tournament is still going, so I am tired because of long days. It's good getting out though, watching, because it's the closest i'll get to playing again in a long time. I also like going for car rides, anywhere, even if it just to the grocery store, because it gets me out of the house. This feeling won't be understood by many if you do not know what is wrong with me, I'm too scared to say it on here yet, I still have trouble telling people these days, only cos its 'recent'.

On another totally different topic, on our way to the morning game, we passed a guy who got out of his car on his phone (his car was parked on the side of the road) and his little dog ran out, into oncoming traffic and we saw it get hit by the car, it was too fast for that car to stop. It was sad but what was worse is that I thought, if he had kids, he would have to go home and say to them that their dog died.. not a good day for them.

But the best thing that happened to me today is that I requested a song via text to the radio and they played it! It was MKTO-Classic. You should check it out! It's fairly shorter then most songs but meh, I like it.

I have lots of things to talk about, which is unusual but small things are happening that are good and I want to write it down, I should do this, write a blog, on the go, instead of doing one long post at the end of the day I could do lots of posts with saying, opinions etc
What do you think?
Leave a comment below and tell me, what do you fancy? If you read this that is (:
Thanks for reading this though!

CollinsDictionarySaysBye! x

Sunday, July 14, 2013


I'm drifting, drifting in between a sea of calm and a path of war. Not knowing when the dark tunnel is going to end, not sure when the light will come, if it will ever come.

The feeling of neutralism with anything, everything. 

Do you answer a question with deep thought?
No, not anymore. 

You answer 'Meh' instead, 'Meh' being the equivalent of shrugging your shoulders or being indifferent and not giving a damn.
This is how I feel today, Meh, just Meh. So much things are happening, so much bad things. I just don't care anymore.
Sad isn't it?

CollinsDictionary says Bye! x

Friday, July 5, 2013


I haven't had a lot of experience with guys, dating etc but all guys, so far, are a-holes. whenever I open up to a guy, they say they are always going to be there for me, but then they aren't, they disappear or it gets too much, although I do warn them in the beginning.
Had an experience like that ladies?
I give every guy I meet an equal chance, I don't judge them on the other guys, or my past. But it just seems I get hate for no reason and it sucks.
I recently got a new friend, the same that inspired me to write a blog, and I haven't told him what i've been through, I haven't even written it on here yet. But I was scared of him doing the same thing the other guys have done and he's just shown that tonight. He said some really nasty stuff and I know I did nothing wrong to deserve this. So guys, why do some guys, not all guys, be so mean, when they don't fully understand? It's unfair I reckon.
I know I will find my perfect man when I love myself fully and I feel I am perfect within myself.
I'll just keep on smiling though, because that's who I am (:

CollinsDictionary says Bye! x