Sunday, July 6, 2014

Movies! Movies! Movies! And a bit of TV.

Referring to my '7th heaven' post that I just updated. I no longer watch that show, I have now watched or am watching new (old) ones. Read on to find out.

I watched Sex and The City (The TV Show) because I have seen Sex and The City and Sex and The City 2 movies several times as well as The Carrie Diaries. I loved them so I watched all 6 seasons of Sex and The City and I loved it.

So those are the 3 above. The Carrie Diaries and the Sex and The City tv shows are now off air. This is the tv show below.

Now I am watching the Hannibal Movies (all five) and episodes of Gilmore Girls.  Weird combination right? I am not putting up pictures of the Hannibal Collection, it'd creep me out whenever I come on this site. So here's the list:

Manhunter (1986) Personally I like this better then Red Dragon (Red Dragon was a remake of Manhunter)
Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Hannibal (2001)
Red Dragon (2002)
Hannibal Rising (2007)

These movies, however, are not in chronological order so it got a bit confusing for me. Here is the order of movies in order of storyline.
Hannibal Rising
Red Dragon and/or Manhunter
Silence of the Lambs

If you haven't heard of or seen these movies, go watch them you uncultured swines.

WARNING: These movies are American psychological thrillers, if you get queasy easily, i suggest you don't watch them. Don't say I didn't warn you. #omnomnom

CollinsDictionarySaysBye! xx

I am a drifter.

I feel like I'm drifting
Drifting from Point A to Point B without actually going anywhere.
My mind is flying.
My thoughts are floating.
Free floating thoughts.

I'm drifting.
Drifting further away from the real me.
Losing myself.
I'm in limbo.
Limbo's winning the battle.

This is just a little something I feel that suits me right now
I'll keep adding to it and editing it and what not.

CollinsDictionarySaysBye! xx

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Shaved Head

I shaved my head recently.
Yesterday in fact. Here's a picture:
I wanted to, no other reason. I know girls don't usually do that without having another reason behind it e.g. cancer. I don't have cancer, I just wanted to.

Update: Still got no hair, shocker. But i'm getting use to it. I can't take any photos that look good at the moment haha, having hair is a plus for selfies.


This is something I wrote for my sister's assignment, she needed some articles so I wrote this.

The minute you get behind the wheel, turn the keys and start the ignition you are in control of your car. The minute the tires slip on the icy road and the steering wheel keeps turning, you lose control of said car. The second you firmly grasp the remote and channel surf for a good show, you have control. The second the television turns off along with every light in the house, you lose control. You can be two things, in control or out of control. One is like moving at a good pace on an escalator, the other is when the escalator stops working. 

People say ‘out of control’ like it means crazy, wild, ‘off the rails’ and it usually does mean that. “Your children are out of control” usually means they are running and screaming all over the supermarket isles while you pick up a bag of frozen peas. Now people can be the parent not wanting to admit those are her children or you can be the child, oblivious to the fact that you are making other people around you deaf. Both of these subjects, however, have complete control of their actions, they just don’t have control of the situation. 

Control is defined as “the power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events.” So being in control means having that power, and having that power is great. You’ll feel on top of the world with said power. Being out of control means you have lost that power and losing that power doesn’t feel good. 

Another situation is the rain. You can’t control when it rains, especially when it’s the perfect hair day, but you can control what you’ll do in said rain. You can jump into puddles, laugh and have a great day, even though there’s bad weather or you can mope around the house and cancel your plans. Either way, you can’t control the weather, but you took control of your situation.

People in general don't  usually think of control until they’ve lost it. Maybe they should think of control when they are in it and they won’t lose control so often. 

I like control, being able to do something and not being afraid of what might happen. Even if that uncontrollable thing does happen, you’re not worried because you’ve learned to control the good and bad situations.
So when the power turns off, which is out of your control, you can finally do things that you wouldn’t otherwise do if you had social networks, texting and the television as distractions. I’d set up lit candles around the house, maybe start writing in that journal my grandparents gave me for my birthday. Or you could call your friends over to tell ghost stories and chill out in the dark, or call up the pizza place, eat pizza and read that Stephen King novel that's been collecting dust on your shelf. You control what happens after those particular situations you can't control come into your life. Being out of control doesn’t have to be terrible, but it’s how you retake the wheel that is your life and steer it back into control, that is the hard part sometimes.

Thanks for reading (:
CollinsDictionary says bye! xx