Sunday, June 30, 2013

Blog about a blog

A blog means : Regular posts on a site by an individual or a group of users that contains information, experiences, opinions and may have pictures or links to other sites.
This, is what I hope to achieve with my blog, over time I hope to have more opinions and experience than anything else on here.
Its 4am and I cant sleep, if you read my last post, you will know its probably because I slept 15 hours yesterday. Im very hungry atm, probably not a good idea to eat though. The sooner I get off this the sooner I can try catch some Zzzz's!
Did you know that we usually confess most things over late night conversations? I might be doing that in my blog from time to time, I know I have a habbit of doing that when im texting someone late. The middle of the night for me is also when I think, overthink to be exact. Another reason why I can't sleep most of the time.
I like Orange Juice. Lol just thought i'd add that in randomly.
Thanks for taking the time to read this nonsense.

CollinsDictionary says Bye! x

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