Monday, December 23, 2013


It's Christmas time and in New Zealand that means sun sun sun, for most people that means fun fun fun.
For me, it means sleep sleep sleep, finally.
I haven't written a blog post in months but I was thinking last night that I should get in a habit of it for the New Year. A lot of bad things have happened to my family and I this year.

Why do bad things happen to good people?

I got my University of Auckland ID Card in the mail today, I joined this Certificate of Academic Preparation Programme and I'm still waiting on Urban Planning. I am also tempted to be one of their first year bloggers, I have to send in a short piece of writing before January 20th, for them to read it and see if they want me as a blogger. It might be cool.

I can't make promise more blog posts but i'll try, will be one of my new years resolutions.

CollinsDictionarySaysBye! xx

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